Amara Yachimski, MS, LPC-Associate

Currently Accepting New Clients: Individuals and Relationships

Out of pocket: $160

Sliding Scale: $75-$125

Welcome, I'm so glad you're here! My name is Amara and my pronouns are they/them. I'm neurodivergent and nonbinary, with a sprinkle of "horse girl" in there too (peep my horse in my photo!). I'm passionate about working with individuals and families that have survived trauma, are struggling with their identity, or just haven't found someone that "gets it". Whether it's uncovering forgotten wounds or redefining old patterns, I truly enjoy helping people learn more about themselves while fostering renewed growth and change in their lives.

My approach to therapy is relational, allowing for the therapeutic space to act as a reflection of how you interact with others in your life. It's a safe space for us to explore these interactions while gently challenging you to try new things and instill newfound confidence in yourself. We'll talk about the relationships you grew up with and who your primary caretakers were before finding connections between how you relate to the world and how you relate to yourself. I use psychodynamic and sensorimotor theories to integrate your body into the conversation as well - don't worry if this sounds a little scary! This just means we may work on some breathing techniques, body scans, and other movements to help you feel unstuck. It's amazing how much the body can hold that we're not even aware of!

I aim to blend my comprehensive education and knowledge with a love of dark humor, authenticity, and some nerdy-ness. My cats will be regular partners of our therapy sessions and I encourage you to have your pets join us on screen if that brings you some extra support! Want to info-dump about your newest hobby? Care to tell me all about your favorite video games (mine is BoTW) and which characters you'd be? Feeling stuck and want to write a poem in session? I am here to invite each and every part of you to feel comfortable in this space. Therapy doesn't always have to be so serious, you know!

Outside of the office, I enjoy working with my rescued mustang, Raven, at the farm and regularly teach horseback riding lessons to other horse-people. I'm a retired barista and love to make myself a latte for our sessions, as well as go to local cafes and explore their wares. My fiancée and I enjoy gardening together and playing video games while our two cats cuddle with us on the couch. I also crochet for fun and to keep my mind busy, and love to make sourdough throughout the days I have sessions.


I am a graduate of Southern Methodist University with a Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, focusing on Neuroscience, Trauma, and Artistic therapies. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Music from Southwestern University as well.

I am under the supervision of Kathryn Leachman, LPC-S, NCC